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2023-09-27 23:46| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1、This is controversial but I stand by it: Don't get drunk on your dates.这点是有争议的,但是我支持这一点:不要再约会时喝酒。

2、Stand up bravely, snatch the knife from the chief's hand, and strike right at his heart.把那个酋长的刀子抢过来,拿它刺在他心脏的-地方 。

3、We stand there together for long moments, swaying. Reconnecting.我们就那样站了很长时间,摇动着身子,心却又凝聚在一起。

4、What would Taiwan stand to lose by it?“一国两制”对台湾来说有什么损失呢?

5、An open booth or stand at which newspapers and periodicals are sold.报摊,报刊柜对外出售报纸和期刊的摊点或售货台

6、The US says he will stand trial for his cruel actions during his years in power.美国表示他将因当权期间所犯暴行面临审判。

7、Such people tend to stand out in network models because of their high level of connectedness.这些人在社会网络模型中凸显出来是因为他们有很多的联系人。

8、If you want to protect yourself from spells, stand next to a Unicorn如果你想免受魔法的攻击,站在独角兽身边吧。(独角兽曰:我要收保护费!)

9、B: If I were any more ready, you wouldn't stand a chance.我要是准备得再好一点的话,你就没戏了。

10、We always stand in awe of our manager.我们对经理总是敬而远之。

11、sit or stand astride of.跨着……坐着或者站着。

12、He will stand in line and buy the ticket with Xiaoming together.他要和小明一块儿排队买电影票。

13、Serco data migration professionals will stand up and deliver a data preparation center.Serco数据迁移专业人士将协同作战,为其提供一个数据准备中心。

14、Its original meaning is to stand by a tree stump waiting for a rabbit to dash itself against it.本义是守着树桩等着兔子往上撞。

15、You will stand to lose if you do business with him.跟他作生意你是要吃亏的。

16、I stand correct and reprove myself.我承认有错并予自责。

17、He took a lot of flak for his stand against abortion.他因坚持反对堕胎而饱受责难。

18、I can't stand this job a minute longer—I want out!这份工作我一分钟也不能忍耐了, 我不干了!

19、I stand here not as a, supplicant. Vote as your moral conscience dictates to you.我站在这里并非要恳求什么,你们只管按照道德良知告诉你们的去投票。

20、And he said unto Balak, Stand here by thy burnt offering, while I meet the LORD yonder.23:15巴兰对巴勒说,你站在这燔祭旁边,等我往那边去迎见耶和华。

21、not fear a strong opponent but dare to stand up to him不畏强手,敢打敢拼

22、The question, then: Why stand and walk on two legs when our ape Cousins get by on four limbs?问题就随之而来了:为什么在我们的类人猿亲戚们还在用四肢行走的时候,我们就已经直立并用两足行走呢?

23、She was kind enough to stand us a meal.她慷慨地请我们吃了顿饭。

24、We will stand together behind our new president.我们会团结支持新总统。

25、He speaks very slowly in order for us to under stand him.他讲得很慢,让我们都能听懂他的话。

26、As Steve says, people want to know who you are and what you stand for.如他所说,人们想知道你是谁,你代表的又是什么。

27、I had to stand in for her on Tuesday when she didn't show up.星期二那天她没露面,我只好代替她。

28、Who do we stand for such bad working conditions?我们为什么忍受这么恶劣的工作条件?

29、"We wouldn't get in the way," Suzanne promised. "We'd just stand quietly in a corner."“我们不会妨碍你的,”苏珊保证说,“我们就在角落里安安静静地站着。”

30、PET bottle neck could stand up to a high hot fill temperature.或使瓶颈再结晶(变白),结晶的瓶颈能耐高的热灌温度。

stand翻译n. 站立, 站住, 停顿, 讲台, 看台, 立场, 法院证人席vi. 站, 立, 坐落, 停滞, 位于, 坚持, 维持原状vt. 忍受, 使站立, 抵挡【医】 支架相关词组: stand firm 详情




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